Release notes 2022 - 14 Follow
Release notes - Contracting Works - Version 59
We have a lot of things in this release and there is a combination of bugs, improvements and some exiting new functions.
We are also working on things that are hided behind feature flags because they are not ready for use yet. An example is Dimensions.
You will also find the release note for the Planner module in the end of this article.
CW-5341 validate in backend - When using two invoice line rules of type "Get materials" within the same invoice template, it will add products twice
CW-5309 wagePeriodId is not correct in time registration creation
CW-5302 Possibility to delete "service price agreement" based on conditions
CW-5282 Employee - Wage rates - Next wage code is saved but not displayed until refreshing the wage rate grid
CW-5275 An inactive department should not be available in dropdowns
CW-5247 There are no cancel your changes modal for invoice if no line was added
CW-5233 Uni v2 Supplier Invoice: Find correct product issue
CW-5230 It is not possible by assigning participant to the work order set him as job reponsible
CW-5227 Job category is not prefilled on Employee in Time registration tab if Salary period is not set
CW-5161 Some searchings in dropdowns causes empty list
CW-5150 POG - Outgoing invoice, 0 in invoice quantity should not be transferred
CW-5147 When editing a service price agreement in CW the update need to be sent over to SpeedyCraft
CW-5119 Register empty value (NULL) in Wage rates on employees doesn't work if the current value = 0
CW-4685 Possible wage codes on order don't come right to SpeedyCraft
CW-5366 Update GPS corrdinate format
CW-5352 Supplier Invoice: If more than one whole saler with the same supplier, then choose the first one
CW-5349 Fix MapData_Prepare.sql permission issue
CW-5348 Investigate and fix service bus large amount of messages in extest
CW-5339 POG: Invoice attachment (outbound invoice)
CW-5338 POG Integration: Remove validation that denies invoices having invoice lines with Surcharge
CW-5336 Change workorder attachment grid view rules
CW-5334 Add multi-selection support for work order attachments
CW-5328 Uni V2. Contact Sync CW ==> Uni, as part of customer sync
CW-5326 Supplier Invoice: Never use text/name from a product that is marked as "diversevare"
CW-5320 Remove POG validation for positive SurchargePercentInvoice
CW-5287 Change notification popup display duration time and align colors to grid flashing rows color
CW-5273 Product note line loop in stage
CW-5271 Multiple rows in connection tables for same owned row
CW-5267 Add setting for default sync to mobile device
CW-5253 Uni v2 supplier invoice: If an invoice is approved, but not yet reinvoice (viderefakturert), set syncRetry = true
CW-5252 Disable "Preserve grid filters locally" in main settings
CW-5249 Load default user language after "fresh" login
CW-5240 Uni V2. Skeleton sync customers Uni => Cw.
CW-5229 Your reference and customer purchase no as searchable columns in work-order.
CW-5209 Inactive employees should not show up in the assignment participant list
CW-5201 A view for outgoing invoice
CW-5200 Default view for integration status is not quite optimized at the moment
CW-5197 FE: Should be able to add multiple participants on a work order
CW-5157 Uni V2. Address Sync CW <==> Uni
CW-5136 Improve product and product note line sync
CW-5129 Uni V2. Content sync customers Uni => Cw. (But not yet covering all synced in Uni v1)
CW-5067 Include job description as a selectable column in work order grid.
CW-5039 Invoice line rule, Amount manual entry (701), Customer price should be enabled
CW-4991 Export to excel, format the date column
CW-4907 Rework of dropdown
CW-4905 When activated the check box, For invoicing, in services and materials, it still shows accumulated numbers for all statuses
CW-4690 Import: Include file hash and file size for file change detection
CW-5346 Update Boligmappa library to 1.0.0.
CW-4710 Boligmappa connection status is not recognized on workorder document tab
CW-5203 Add boligmappa status / connection trigger button to dynamic forms
CW-5176 Add boligmappa attachment container (needed for boligmappa wizard)
CW-5170 Add boligmappa wizard address information component (needed for boligmappa wizard)
CW-5169 Add standalone boligmappa search wrapper component (needed for generic wizard component)
CW-5168 Add connection information widget (needed for generic wizard component)
CW-5167 Truncate and hide boligmappa user email on boligmappa application card
CW-4862 Improve multiple row seleceted for send to Boligmappa
Hided behind feature flags
Dimensions, not released
CW-5347 add support for threePath in creation row for ag-grid's row creation for tree structure
CW-5333 Create info/error/success message box component and implement it in child dimension creation.
CW-5308 Make ag-grid tree structure to support inline editing
CW-5265 Implement adding/editing new dimension value
CW-5264 Implement adding/editing new dimension type
CW-5263 Implement dimension values grid
CW-5262 Implement dimension types grid
CW-5261 Create new settings page, add blank grid with sidesheet
CW-5300 Dimensions: Make cascading deactivate for dimension values
CW-5297 Dimensions: Custom endpoint to return all needed information for frontend
CW-5327 Rename NotSelectable on DimensionValue
CW-5280 Relax index on Dimension to allow NULLs in [Code]
CW-5354 VismaNet: Add invoice address to the customer sync
CW-5184 VismaNet: Sync Project
CW-5181 VismaNet: Sync Customer
PlannerModule - Version 1.3
PLAN-307 Free time slot is not clear on scheduler view when after remove free time slot filter pill for next days
PLAN-305 User can't change "Work day ends" time on display setting overlay when overlay located on bottom of the planner.
PLAN-302 Unplanned assignments are display on map even no appointments are available to display on planner.
PLAN-301 Invalid error message popup getting when user trying to add work order (zero appointment created work order) filter on planner.
PlannerModule - Version 1.2
PLAN-300 In Ag Grid columns getting empty values when user scroll the right side on Ag grid panel.
PLAN-295 When first time login into test environment planner then created appointments are not display on planner.
PLAN-270 When user change the planner view preset to "Work week" then "CURRENT WEEK" button is not dispaly but "TODAY" button is display.
PLAN-242 As a user I want to view work week as a new view preset
PLAN-221 As a user I want to see all unplanned assignments in the map view so I can understand where my unplanned work in my city
PLAN-77 As a user I want to filter employees based on department
PLAN-271 Exclude employees with Emun_EmployeeStatusID = 4 (Ended) in response of Get employees endpoint.
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