Changelog week 35 2022, detailed Follow
Here are the issues with changes / bug fixes that are possible for a user to discover. This is a version that contained the most bug fixes/improvements.
- When importing a SupplierInvoice, missing dimension data is not marked as errors on the generated product note
- Uni supplier invoice: choose fallback wholesaler if not resolvable
- When creating a new product sales price is saved as cost price
- Trying to add an appointment with similar time-slot or earlier on a following day gives error that time must be more than 30 minutes
- CW crashes when trying to add product to product note or invoice without wholesaler
- Start typing in Product number on invoice line grid gives an error
- In the customer information details panel side sheet toggle button is still disable when after user click the save button
- Fix error on invoice lines insertion causing by sortOrder and correct insertion when first row selected
- Invoice line rule, Details pr. product note (InvoiceLineRuleTypeDetailID = 204) don't work
- After finish one line in product note, next line not active unless refreshing grid
User stories related to CW Planner
- As a user I want to see appointments for employees in inactive status
- As a user I want to see participants in deleted status from the Assignment
- As a user I want to see Appointments for deleted participants
- As a case worker I want to see all the contact person available for the work order
- Uni assignment sync: customerName and FreeText
- Uni Supplier Invoice: Import invoices with status = approved
- Work order created in SC/mobile should get standard serviceprice agreement/product agreement if this has been configured in CW
- Export AssignmentCategory to SpeedyCraft AssignmentType
- POG supplier invoice: skip not yet booked invoices
- Restrict user form adding dimension types when the status is invoiced
- Create dimension quick-set toolbar status action for the grid
- Rearrange default column order in Dimension setup
- View PDF's in grids using @devinco/ui PdfViewer ToolPanel
- Disable editing when customer address is marked as checked both in address tab and in construction site
- Main dashboard widget, quantity to invoice, update count filter
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