Endringslogg uke 18 - 2022 Følg
En masse gjort også denne gang av våre utviklerteam. Mye av sakene som er gjort er saker som har med Visma.net, Uni versjon 2 og dimensjoner å gjøre og som ennå ligger under det vi kaller fremtidige funksjoner flagg.
Sakene er en ren kopi av endringsloggen vi får fra vårt utviklerverktøy, Jira, så det inneholder en masse tekniske saker som ikke er så lett å se i programmet.
CW-5602 It is not possible to create project
CW-5594 Copy dimension flips UseOnService and UseOnProductNoteLine flags
CW-5559 Due date is not adjusting if you change payment terms when creating a new invoice (POG integration)
CW-5521 Incorrect environment variable name used for Appointment tab toggle
CW-5502 When creating a work order in test environment, project field is disabled
CW-5494 Fix navigation issues when a tab in assignment tabs is toggled off
CW-5471 Error when changing order of invoice-line rules in an invoiceline template
CW-5455 Project dashboard isn't working properly any longer
CW-5446 Weird behavior of "empty line" in invoice lines grid
CW-5443 Unplanned work order indicator have 3 issues.
CW-5428 Use Preprocess for deletion of the service price agreement in settings
CW-5408 Switching invoicing category on an employee alters already created service lines
CW-5400 Not possible to edit customers address in customer select screen
CW-5396 When choosen a customer from customer picker, it only feeds customer name
CW-5375 When edit customer in modal window, the edit form fields is not fed
CW-5207 As a user I need to get infomation why I'm not allowed to login (PC time out of sync)
CW-5142 SCv2: Respect SyncToMobileDevice flag on assignments
CW-5087 Price calculation isssues in prod
CW-5052 Sync error with Invoice line rule, Details pr. product note (InvoiceLineRuleTypeDetailID = 204)
CW-5050 BE: When editing rates per wage group under Settings, Employee, Wage group and rates, disable Job Category dropdown
CW-4541 BE: Wrong InvoicingLineStatus set on ProductNoteLine when ContractType = "Contract" on Assignment
CW-4402 If I change the invoice comment on the invoice, it will not use these changes when I'm running an invoice line rule (504) that are using invoice text
CW-4304 Issue with errors showing
CW-4302 Clean up UNI for wrong account mapping
CW-3470 When export an invoice to UNI, it creates the invoice with the invoiced day in UNI one day back in time
Feil Boligmappa
CW-5541 Attachments uploaded to boligmappa is no longer displayed in frontend
CW-5493 Boligmappa screen doesn’t opens in Work order information tab
CW-5489 Boligmappa number is not shown in tooltip on work order
CW-5487 The modal window when attach a work order to Boligmappa is not showing up
CW-5426 Error by sending already sent document to Boligmappa
CW-5389 By changing construction site on work order that same Boligmappa number will be connected to the new address
CW-5387 Boligmappa wizard doesn't show connected address after opening the screen second time
CW-5386 Fix Boligmamappa wizard design issue
CW-5560 As a user i want to view a list of teams via an endpoint
CW-5537 As a user i want to view all my filters on the left side of the page on top of the AG-Grid
CW-5436 Configure GraphQL network call
CW-5283 [API] As a developer I want to be able to fetch appointment summary information for an assignment
CW-5224 As a user I should be able to go to the “Appointment” tab within a work order
CW-5223 As a user I should be able to see an indicator for the unplanned work order in work order grid
CW-4559 As a user I want to add a attachment to the invoice (UNI)
CW-3526 I need to use same vatrates as in VC
CW-3234 As a user I want to add a attachment to the invoice (POG)
CW-3179 I need to be able to use existing VC storage in CW
CW-3017 CSV Import Endpoint
CW-5581 Allow to group most of work order summary and project grid columns
CW-5573 Set focus on empty and editable row in invoice line grid
CW-5558 Invoice template error on deletes
CW-5545 Clients can set up SupplierIndustryType without an IndustryTypeID. This causes an error on Product creation
CW-5531 Save data once the user selected external system value in match wizard
CW-5495 Include Recalculate Selected for Services
CW-5469 Work order summary view - throws an error upon global search typing
CW-5467 Missing inline editing for Work order > Material > Material tab
CW-5444 Clear all filters-button and search-text disappear when changing work-order view
CW-5438 When running recalculate on Service, use the original EmployeeInvoiceCategory
CW-5437 FE Reprocess All does not work correctly
CW-5405 MapData: Add Customer support
CW-5398 Add possibility to set description on product agreement details
CW-5395 Invoice lines grid - set default values to empty line as it is in creation row
CW-5380 Assignment main datagrid, add ContractType as a column
CW-5374 Comment/description on each product price agreements
CW-5361 Save grouped colums in the same mannner as column order/visible columns
CW-5324 Change project accounts for interim invoice lines in PROD
CW-5290 Recalculating Services gives improper information about missing data
CW-5285 Use improved price calculation
CW-5152 When we reopen a product note after it has been part of an invoice and the invoice is later deleted, the QuantityInvoice field is reset
CW-5027 Surcharge percent on discounts should not be overwritten when importing discounts from wholesaler
CW-4793 Saving invoice line rules for service should not be enabled before one or more salary check boxes are marked
CW-4564 BE When trying to create manual ID's, and there is a soft-deleted record found, it should choose another ID
CW-4281 Customer note should be longer that 200 positiions
CW-4180 Invoice line rule, 502 Write text, should feed the description with space when creating it
Oppgaver Boligmappa
CW-5557 Boligmappa. Add a missing await using
CW-5550 Boligmappa. Correction for a place where 'using' was not properly used with SqlConnection
CW-5498 Popup text for Site Address and Disconnect button in Connect Boligmappa window
CW-5481 Upgrade boligmappa 2 step - connect boligmappa to construction site finalised design
CW-5478 Upgrade boligmappa wizard login step to the finalised design
CW-5477 Upgrade boligmappa 2 step - attachment connection to the finalised design
CW-5454 Change boligmappa attachment handling logic / Add status with modifier property for icon cell
CW-5296 Boligmappa, add logout button
CW-4863 Boligmappa, feed Construction site/visit address into Boligmappa
CW-4861 Possibility to disconnect from Boligmappa
CW-4709 Add error handling to boligmappa integration use in CW
Oppgaver POG
CW-4787 POG: Sync customer attributes two way
CW-5277 POG: WageCode Sync
CW-5250 POG: handle reversed supplier invoices
CW-5360 Avoid sending attachments fetched from Uni/Pog back to Uni/Pog
CW-5597 Add Suggested value to each grid in POG wizard
CW-5596 Hide confirmation step and saving option in POG wizard
Oppgaver SpeedyCraft
CW-5571 SCv2: Investigate and solve an issue with attachment download from SC (request time out)
CW-5399 SCv2: Invalid end date generated on assignments
CW-5565 SCv2: Fix employee deactivated to show record SC mapping (We are not able to set showRecord=false using SC endpoint)
CW-3261 SCv2: Sync assignment participants with speedycraft (SC => CW)
CW-4913 Two way sync between Contracting Works and SpeedyCraft for documents
CW-4353 When creating a new work order in SpeedyCraft, project isn't set
Oppgaver Uni
CW-5612 Uni V2. CustomerSync. Adjustments for the cases when Contacts or addresses are deleted.
CW-5611 Uni V2. CustomerSync CW => Uni, Change such that last seen aggregate rowversion is saved after each batch
CW-5077 Uni v2: supplier invoice to storage
CW-5368 Uni V2. Contact Sync Uni ==> Cw, as part of customer sync
CW-5442 Uni V2. Cw=>Uni. Correction such that ExternalId set. Then avoids duplicate contacts even when CustomCwId for Uni Contact does not work.
CW-5449 Uni V2. Cw=>Uni. Correction for issue seen in stage with Address Sync, special case
CW-5497 Uni V2. Add self-repair if there is a crash in Uni=>Cw customer sync, such that the Uni customer was not updated with CustomCwId
CW-5532 Uni V2. Regenerate Contracting Works Swagger with v13.15.10, and adapt. Integrate extensions to ExternalSystemService fething lastRowVersion
CW-5549 Uni V2. Optimization. Use a TimedOperation forv each step in Sync_All, to make it easier to address the most time comsuming first in time optimizations
CW-5548 Uni V2. Optimization. Change so that EnsureCustomCwIdFieldsCreatedAndActivated only runs when needed
CW-5547 Uni V2. Fix so that Addresses and Contacts gets synced even when Customer is not touched
CW-4434 Uni supplier invoice ProjectLeader
Oppgaver Visma.net
CW-5583 VismaNet: Improve BadRequest log for DD Client
CW-5486 VismaNet: Job Project
CW-5427 VismaNet: Support multiple clients
CW-5425 VismaNet: Sync Work Order Department and main project update
CW-5350 VismaNet: Sync Work Order
CW-5340 VismaNet: Sync Vat rates as VE Vat category
CW-5193 VismaNet: Setup Sync starter service
CW-5185 VismaNet: Sync Assignment
CW-5183 VismaNet: Sync Address
CW-5182 VismaNet: Sync Contact
CW-5574 VismaNet: Sync Address/Location
CW-5448 Visma V2: Supplier Invoice
Tasks Dimensjoner
CW-5591 Extend custom upsert for dimensions with logic for projects
CW-5432 Create solution for activating/deactivating dimensions and its values
CW-5388 Create CopyDimension endpoint
CW-5362 Add copy action into dimensions grid
CW-3401 Settings - Maintain Dimensions and their DimensionValues
Release notes - PlannerModule - Version 1.3 Del 2
PLAN-323 In display settings overlay, “Default appointment duration“ drop down arrow behaviour is wrong
PLAN-322 Appointment counter value is not update when user remove the day from work week day selection check box on display setting overlay
PLAN-317 Information banner Changes
PLAN-313 Work week data range upper value is not change on planner label after given different date selection using check boxes on display setting panel.
PLAN-309 In “First day of week“ Drop down for first day display as Sunday not Monday
PLAN-277 Invalid appointment counter value is getting when user logging into first time on planner
PLAN-169 As a user I should be able to set the default height of appointments for the client
PLAN-321 PLAN-258 : Improvement : When user create a new appointment on planner using right/double click then created appointment default length (appointment block) is not match with view settings configure value.
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