Endringslogg uke 20 - 2022 Følg
I denne versjonen har vi hatt fokus på dimensjoner, Visma.net og Uni V2.
I tillegg så har vi jobbet med at administrator på klient skal kunne både slette og opprette nye brukere.
Viktige endringer
- Så har vi også gjort om på rekkefølgen på timer og materiell-faner, de uten gruppering, som nå ligger nå som første fane
- I tillegg så kan du nå endre direkte i enkelte kolonner her slik som fakturer antall, fakturer beløp og fakturatekst i materiell og timefaner
Siden vi kopierer direkte fra vår utviklerverktøy Jira, så vil tekster være på engelsk. Så her er en kjapp ordliste over hva de ulike engelske utrykkene blir på norsk
- Work order = Arbeidsordre
- Service = Timeføring
- Product note = Materialseddel
- Fixed price = Fastpris
CW-5658 Work order information - construction site dropdown requests all addresses from DB after data picker select
CW-5653 Work order information - new address doesn't appear in dropdown list
CW-5644 All project's appear in the dropdownlist when you create a new work order, whether the project is completed or not
CW-5617 When using edit mode modal window on product note, it will not be saved
CW-5605 After saving new project, work orders tab is selected
CW-5488 When adding a new address to a customer, it will not accept that you mark it as an invoice address
CW-5684 WageCode sync for POG
CW-5662 It is possible to select completed project on Work order (via data picker modal)
CW-5613 Accumulate only hours in Services, tab employee
CW-5463 Make editable grids in Work Order - Service - Services tab
CW-5606 Restrict user from editing invoiced product note line
CW-5598 Amount is disabled in new and edit new product note
CW-5542 Invite new users directly from CW
CW-5629 Ability to delete users on the client
CW-5657 Being able to download the invoice attachment files from workorder
CW-5636 FE: Add column in service detail grid showing if the line is work time (WageCode.IsWorkTime)
CW-5553 Hide fixed price amount column for all quick filters
CW-5311 Invoice, ProductNoteLine details datagrid popup
Oppgaver UNI V2 - gjelder de klienter hvor UNI V2 er aktivert
CW-5719 Uni V2. Change to use InvoiceLineCodes normalized to upper case when syncing with Uni
CW-5710 Uni V2. Adds Sync_All_InitialMigration
CW-5709 Uni V2. Uni V2. If Customer Sync CW=>Uni does not process all changed aggregates, skip proceeding with other syncs.
CW-5705 Uni V2. Filter away customers with sys_Incomplete true in Sync Cw => Uni
CW-5702 Uni V2. Limit import of Accounts from Uni to main accounts
CW-5692 UniV2 supplierInvoice: Use UpdatedAt field instead of ID to fetch invoices to import
CW-5683 Uni V2. Correct error with product sync for invoice line rules
CW-5675 Uni V2. Versions of GeneratedExternalSystemSetup and GeneratedMigrationSetup adapted to Uni V2
CW-5672 Uni V2. Extend BaseDataReader to also add Uni Customer Data, Name and number.
CW-5655 Uni V2. Refactor customization of the Uni Model to a sparate service class
CW-5637 Uni V2; Supplier Invoice: wrong price
CW-5612 Uni V2. CustomerSync. Adjustments for the cases when Contacts or addresses are deleted.
Visma Net fortsatt bak et fremtidig flagg
CW-5681 VismaNet: Outgoing Invoice attachment
CW-5674 VismaNet: Setup SupplerInvoice skeleton
CW-5659 VismaNet: Improve date handling
CW-5647 VismaNet: Sync activeness of VATRate
CW-5645 VismaNet: Sync Project using Project Template
CW-5623 VismaNet: Setup new clients for Mårten and JanInge
CW-5190 VismaNet: Sync Outgoing Invoice basic flow
Dimensjoner, fortsatt bak et fremtidig flagg
CW-5673 Allow setting dimension to invoice on
CW-5643 Dimension delete - custom upsert
CW-5603 Copy dimension uses from project to assignment when adding a new one
CW-5592 Extend upsert of product note lines to receive dimension values
CW-5568 Extend upsert of services to receive dimension values
CW-5431 Create custom endpoint to retrieve dimension values with activation information
CW-5430 Create custom endpoint to retrieve dimensions with activation information
CW-3402 Project - Tab for selecting existing Dimensions and filter what DimensionValues to use on the project
CW-5676 Disable active checkbox on activated dimensions
CW-5535 Implement delete for dimensions and dimension values
CW-5435 Add invoiceable dimension selection dropdown
Deloppgaver Planner
CW-5563 As a user i want to view the teamId's of employees in the GetEmployee Api
CW-5537 As a user i want to view all my filters on the left side of the page on top of the AG-Grid
Teknisk, ikke så lett å se
CW-5685 Create an endpoint or a view with detailed error count for an Assignment
CW-5670 Remove status messages from master rows in wage code and employee
CW-5667 Fix the behaviour of inline editing to be disabled for following components
CW-5663 Work order - rearrange material and services inner tabs
CW-5649 Dynamic features based on user permissions
CW-5599 In product note line in edit method call preprocess
CW-5589 Upgrade components on Connect
CW-4836 Upgrading Devinco Connect to .NET 6
CW-5484 Empty line in construction site dropdown on workorder
CW-5004 When clicking on add user button in users grid, routes are flickering
CW-5533 When I have set "Always translate this page/site" in browser setings, it will translate all text in CW and Planner
CW-5504 Improve focus on preprocess in product note lines grid
CW-4916 Fix incorrect filtering on workorder service tab grid
CW-5686 Move the control enabling for new invoices to invoice lines component
CW-5536 Revisit edit/create (customUpsert) after BE is fully done
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