Endringslogg uke 22 - 2022 Følg
Det jobbes fortsatt med ting som ennå ikke er tilgjengelig for brukere. Dette er dimensjoner, Visma.net og UNI versjon 2.
Det skjer også mye nytt og spennende i Planner, men det er ennå ikke sluppet til hos brukere ennå.
Dimensjoner er i pilot, men det er fortsatt litt som gjenstår før at vi vil slippe brukere på det.
Det er flere feilrettinger, men denne gang er det for det meste teknisk feilretting
CW-5566 If you move a product note on an assignment to another storage, the quantity will double in the new storage
CW-5773 Outgoing invoices not transferred to Uni for one client
CW-5711 FE: Add main contact phone number to workorder main info, move main contact to top
CW-5707 Add Excel raw data export possibility to grid
CW-5689 If text in datagrid cells are too long to be displayed, show whole text on mouse over
CW-5638 Work order - issue with the filter on progress work order
CW-3481 I need to use same dimensions as in VC
CW-5823 Create dimension value picker modal
CW-5822 Create dimension picker button with status
CW-5820 Implement invoice line rule area disabling when dimensions are used
CW-5804 Fixed price on the work order is not allowed if user choose to invoice on dimension
CW-5788 BE: Extend view to include dimension values
CW-5787 FE: Invoice with required Dimension
CW-5783 BE: Have a UseDimensions flag on create and get + feature flag
CW-5781 BE: Change rule 501 to pick text from DimensionValue
CW-5751 Redesign product note modal product note line edit modal layout
CW-5749 Dimensions: Migrate
CW-5736 Dimension (dynamic columns) columns on Assignment material tab in product note grid
CW-5731 Implement in memory (also called client side) grid dropdown editor
CW-5730 Dimension (dynamic columns) columns on Assignment material tab in material grid
CW-5729 Dimension (dynamic columns) columns on Assignment service tab
CW-5727 Implement dynamic column CUD operation support in form editors
CW-5635 Implement grid settings saving handling to differentiate dynamic and static grid columns
CW-5634 Implement dynamic grid columns for display
CW-5595 Add validation logic on upserting dimensions
CW-5796 When adding/updating services with dimensions,it is not showing the new value
CW-5726 Visma Net. Filter away customers with sys_Incomplete true in Sync Cw => Visma Net.
CW-5723 VismaNet: Sync improvements after Jan's testing
CW-5359 VismaNet: Location
CW-5704 VismaNet: Outgoing Invoice - error handling
CW-5682 VismaNet: Outgoing Invoice - credit invoice
CW-5661 VismaNet: Outgoing Invoice Text and Sum lines
CW-5660 VismaNet: Setup test clients for Partners
CW-5651 VismaNet: DateTime formatting
Uni V2
CW-4434 Uni V2 assignment ProjectLeader
CW-5786 Uni V2. For supplier invoices with the condition "...is not yet reinvoiced. Awaiting reinvoicing", reduce severity level in logging/IntegrationStatus messages.
CW-5767 Uni V2. Invoice Sync. Correction such that sync does not crashed for Invoice using productnumbers for which more than one product exist.
CW-5754 Uni V2. Change such that project sync does not fail when the project code is not a number
CW-5756 Uni V2. Invoice Sync, adds GQL Filtering on ExternalSystemId and corrects crash case in Sync.
CW-5763 Filter historic PaymentTerm from dropdowns in main settings and on customer
CW-5721 Uni V2. Change such that Customer Sync CW => Uni also syncs out CustomerNumber. Primary use case, initial migration.
CW-5815 User can't select the searched team check boxes on team drop down
CW-5678 As a user i want to be able to search teams from the dropdown
CW-5668 As a user i want to be able to select multiple teams from the team dropdown
CW-5579 [API] As a developer I should be able to fetch appointment participant information for a selected assignment
CW-5578 As a user I should be able to see the appointment schedule for a selected assignment
CW-5480 As a user I should be able to see the participants and related appointment information for an assignment
CW-5225 As a user, I should be able to see a summary of appointments in the appointments tab
CW-5771 As a user i want to be able to see changes in scheduler when select one or multiple teams from the dropdown.
CW-5816 Some grids with dynamic columns forces requests with invalid
CW-5750 Dynamic clientside dropdown values isn`t updated
CW-5718 Sometimes dynamic column cell dropdown editors crash on initial grid load
CW-5733 Enable modal checkboxes on new entity dimension
CW-5313 Invoice, when closing line details popup - update InvoiceLines that might have changed the sum of QuantityInvoice
CW-5814 Add a possibility to sc integration to fix already synced product numbers
CW-5803 Extend GetDimenionValuesForEntity with enum level
CW-5799 Add validator for ID when user creates wholesaler in settings
CW-5780 BE: Handle manual invoice lines
CW-5779 BE: Handle editing individual rule-lines
CW-5778 BE: New endpoint for invoicing templates
CW-5777 BE: Extend existing procedures with DimensionValueID + filter on underlying lines
CW-5776 BE: Extend the session and temp tables with DimensionValueID
CW-5775 BE: Create an endpoint to filter dimension values for a work order
CW-5759 Integrations: Sync to only login to known clients
CW-5755 Import: Chose sftp on feature flag
CW-5698 Fix upsert issue with saving product note when date is empty
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