Endringslogg uke 24 - 2022 (Backend) Følg
Denne oppdateringen inneholder stort sett bare ting som ikke er så lett å se i programmet da dette er det vi kaller backend oppgaver.
Vi oppdaget et problem med noe i vår frontend som må korrigeres før dette slippes.
CW-5855 Update the tab-counter directly when you do a correction on a product note line or service line
CW-5192 VismaNet: Sync Supplier Invoice
CW-5935 VismaNet: Improve Unit handling
CW-5810 VismaNet: Customer credit note -> Connect Credit Note and invoice and do release
CW-5798 VismaNet: Flexibility to dimensions and customer classes
CW-5892 Visma Supplier Invoice: attachments
Uni V2
CW-5933 SupplierInvoice V2: Duplicate lines in SupplierInvoiceLines when syncRetry
CW-5884 UniV1 Invoicing: Exclude deactivated Products when querying
CW-5811 SupplierInvoive Visma V2 : only import given statuses
CW-5809 SupplierInvoice V2: update externalSystemExtraData, set last imported
CW-5808 SupplerInvoice V2: Duplicate check
CW-5807 SupplierInvoice V2: Support for sync rectry
CW-5963 Uni V2. Change such that Uni baseAddress read from ExternalSystemExtraData is preferred before Uni baseAddress read from settings
CW-5902 UniV2 SupplierInvoice: Ignore not reinvoiced invoices completely (no record in SupplierInvoice)
CW-5865 Uni V2. Customer Cw => Uni. Change that avoids violation of Uni FK_economytestas_BusinessRelation_DefaultPhoneID seen on Prod data
CW-5882 Uni V2 SupplierInvoice: Handle missing productID from Uni
CW-5849 Uni V2. In CustomerContentSync, add setting cwCustomer.Sys_Incomplete = false
CW-5842 Uni v2 SupplierInvoice: Handle not reinvoiced invoices
CW-5818 Uni V2. Add validation for Customer Name length in Uni=>Cw CuastomerContent sync
CW-5797 Uni V2. Change so that error is avoided if address Sync Uni=CW gives Address1 or Address2 longer than 50 chars.
CW-5626 Uni V2. Integration upgrade scripts, CleanupTools and Extensions to the data synced to MapDataValues
Power Office
CW-4733 POG: How to reprocess failed supplier invoice
CW-4220 Supplier Invoice POG: splitting incoming invoice
CW-5972 POG SupplierInvoice: change to use LastChange date, instead of ID when polling for invoices
CW-5953 POG SupplierInvoice: handle case where user sets orderno after the invoice is been approved
CW-5863 POG. Change such that ProductNoteLine.ProductName length is validated and truncated if to long, then also writes IntegrationStatus message
CW-5925 Investigate sc dimension value sync taking a long time
CW-5861 Speedycraft service sync failing
CW-5680 Appointment sync with SC does not work when moving Employee
CW-5679 Truncate text in Appointment SC sync for field Description
Generelt teknisk
CW-5947 Handle hard deleted records in sc sync
CW-5911 Avoid duplicates
CW-5910 Insert into externalSystemAttachment
CW-5852 SupplierInvoice sprocs: rewrite sprocs to not be dependent on ExternalSystemID
CW-5943 Support tool: Create new project with basic structure
CW-5931 Deploy maintenance service
CW-5877 Extend cleanup service with comparison logic
CW-5251 Supplier Invoice retry functionality needs to be more robust
CW-5360 Avoid sending attachments fetched from Uni/Pog back to Uni/Pog
Testing av Uni V2
Bere for å vise hvor mye arbeid som ligger i integrasjoner viser vi til alle ting som må testes nå i forbindelse med dette
CW-5116 Uni v2 test supplier invoice import
CW-5115 Uni v2 test outbound invoice (and products)
CW-5114 Uni v2 test wage period sync
CW-5113 Uni v2 test wage code sync
CW-5112 Uni v2 test vat rate sync
CW-5111 Uni v2 test supplier sync
CW-5110 Uni v2 test project sync
CW-5109 Uni v2 test payment terms sync
CW-5108 Uni v2 test ledger account sync
CW-5107 Uni v2 test assignment sync
CW-5106 Uni v2 test customer sync
CW-5105 Uni v2 test department sync
CW-5104 Uni v2 test employee sync
CW-5034 Uni V2: Supplier invoice voucherNO
CW-5015 Uni v2: Order defaultseller
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